2023年– date –
ソ連の「闇」を暴いた名もなき記者の実話を描いた映画『赤い闇』は、「メディアの存在意義」と「メディアとの接し方」を問いかける作品だ。「真実」を届ける「社会の公器」であるべきメディアは、容易に腐敗し得る。情報の受け手である私たちの意識も改めなければならない -
【働く】給料が上がらない、上げる方法を知りたい人は木暮太一のこの本を。『資本論』が意外と役に立つ:『人生格差はこれで決まる 働き方の損益分岐点』
「仕事で成果を出しても給料が上がるわけではない」と聞いて、あなたはどう感じるだろうか?これは、マルクスの『資本論』における「使用価値」と「価値」の違いを踏まえた主張である。木暮太一『人生格差はこれで決まる 働き方の損益分岐点』から「目指すべき働き方」を学ぶ -
「実は私は、恋愛的な関係を求めているわけじゃないかもしれない」と気づいた著者ムラタエリコが、自身の日常や専門学校でも学んだ写真との関わりを基に、「自分に相応しい関係性」や「社会の暴力性」について思考するエッセイ。久々に心にズバズバ刺さった、私にはとても刺激的な1冊だった。 -
Non-Fiction/Liberal Arts
The Essence of Shogi as Captured by Habu Yoshiharu
Why is it that in baseball, amateurs' comments like "Why aren't you swinging the bat now?", but why is Shogi perceived "boring to watch if you can't play"? Starting from this question, '羽生善治と現代(Habu Yoshiharu and present day)' is a book that delves into the world of watching shogi matches and the greatness of Habu Yoshiharu, packed with fascinating stories that will make watching shogi matches even more enjoyable. -
Movie ”V siti”: How to Protect Your Child Online (Director Barbora Chalupova)
The shocking documentary film "V siti" moved the police in the Czech Republic, and is filled with the ugliness of middle-aged men who take advantage of a girl's "loneliness". We should realize the reality that simply "restricting internet access" is not enough to protect children. -
[Summary] For Sama: A Mother’s Struggle in War-Torn Syria (Director Waad Al-Kateab)
I was so shocked by "For Sama" that I thought such a movie could never exist again. The journalist, who is also a mother and a revolutionary, documented the city in Syria that was continuously bombed and raised her daughter in the same city. This is not a reality that can be dismissed as "I didn't know."